
A lifelong journey of discovery before everlasting life

Dirty laundry

dirty laundry picThe other day a friend of mine send me a really cool message of how God spoke to her through an ordinary daily activity such as doing the laundry so I thought I’ll share it with you.

Amelia started collecting children and baby clothes after she realized the need in her community. When she receives the clothes it’s usually washed, fixed and neatly packed away before going to their new owners. Amelia shared: “what amazes me most is the fact that often those who drop off the clothes are people that don’t have a lot but choose to bless others with the little they have”

A while back someone came to drop off a bag full of clothes. She was quite disgusted with this bag of clothes because the clothes were dirty, full of stains and old food was still stuck to it. She just threw the bag of old clothes under a cupboard because she was too busy distributing the other clothes to those in need to spend her valuable time on this bag of dirty clothes. It boggled her mind how people could drop off these dirty clothes as if on a rubbish dump.

A couple of days after the clothes were dropped off she decided to tackle the bag after all. The bag was so disgusting to touch all she wanted to do was throw it away. She made a mixture of detergent and other cleaning agents and started soaking and rubbing the dirty clothes which turned the water into an ugly brown colour. Actually really mad and irritated not in the mood for this she repeated the process with a fresh mixture of water and cleaning agents. As she was busy washing the clothes she discovered that it was actually beautiful clothes that just needed a little attention and she started praying over the clothes, getting really excited about how they would turn out after they’re done.

After letting the baby clothes soak overnight she put it in the washing machine the next morning and rinsed it with fabric softner. While hanging each now clean, nice smelling piece of clothing it hit her like a bomb…Just as easy as it was for her to throw those clothes in the trashcan just as easy God could have rejected her, a sinner but He chose to wash her clean.He never gave up on her. God will never give up on you either.

She still had a few pieces of clothing that needed cleaning. It needed a little more soaking, rubbing and attention. This made her realize how God loves her and handles her with care because in her life there are still areas that need to be worked on. Still tough stains that God needs to rub out with His love and patience. Almost unable to see through her tears Amelia kept hanging the washing, just soaking in the realization of God’s unconditional love for her.

God is never too busy to love us, to pay attention to us or to care for us. His desire is to speak to us, wipe us clean, forgive us from guilt and shame. We are never too dirty to come to Him. He wants to make us brand new. Just like the clothes that are now clean and fresh smelling He wants our lives to be a sweet smelling aroma impacting those around us.

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One thought on “Dirty laundry

  1. Unconditional love of the Father. Wonderful blog.

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