
A lifelong journey of discovery before everlasting life

Archive for the tag “Boldness”



noahs-arkIf Noah were to be alive right now he would probably be trending on Twitter and have social media in a buzz… #NoahTheRainmaker #DreamingNoah #GodFreakNoah #PsychoNoah #NoahHearsVoices

Depending on his personality Noah might reply #WatchThisSpace #FYIGodSaid #SurfsUp #HaveFaith #WearABathingSuite…

Well of course Noah must have had a lot of faith in God to do something so out of the ordinary. The Bibles states that Noah did what God commanded him to do, but I think at some point he probably thought about the whole situation with no rain in sight and he probably wondered how the people would react to him building an ark. Despite what he might have been thinking (his insecurities) he knew that God had his best interest at heart even if the situation looked a bit dodge and he realized people would find his actions a bit strange, because they don’t understand his relationship with God.

Makes me think: sometimes God asks us to do something that isn’t even as crazy as that, like to tell someone “Jesus loves you” and we are hesitant to do it.

Noah’s obedience to God ensured the preservation of mankind, but what you have to do might not be as dramatic as Noah’s task and might not have an impact on the whole world. Your task, you stepping into your destiny, your obedience to God might be a vital step to ensure that you live out your purpose and have an impact in your family, community, country and yes maybe the world.

I read a really awesome quote the other day-“the difference between a rut and a grave is only the length and depth.” If Noah allowed himself to be influenced by people who didn’t understand his relationship with God, people who didn’t understand his journey he would not have lived out his purpose. He would have become just as the people of those days who didn’t please God by their lifestyle. He wouldn’t have stood out and changed the course of history.

Maybe you’re at a point in your life where you are not living, but merely existing. You know there’s more, but you’re just not doing it because you’re holding on to your past failures, your fear of success, fear of failure, circumstances, lack of faith, lack of money or because of of other people’s opinions, their rejection or their expectations of you.

“The easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don’t let them put you in that position”-Leo Buscaglia

Taking a bold step into doing something as huge as Noah did takes a lot of courage. If you want to change the course of direction in your life and live a purpose filled life that pleases God, it takes a conscience decision on your part to make a drastic change. Of course this means faith has to be right up there with courage and God’s approval and opinions should be your only focus. A clear vision from God is extremely important because when you know God has your back and He will be lighting your path every step of the way it gives you the strength to go on. The road won’t be easy and there will be distractions, temptations and discouragement but with God by our side we can make it through this journey of life.

We should make it a priority to get to know God and grow closer into an intimate relationship with Him so we can have the faith and strength to resist the devil and discover new things about God and about ourselves.

Step into your destiny and live your God given purpose today.

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